Monday, September 30, 2019

Soils: The Unseen Earth that Nurtures Society

Dirts or the Unobserved Earth that Nurtures Society 1. The Sumerians are considered the â€Å"inventors of agriculture† where they practiced intensive, year-around agribusiness. Intensive agriculture allowed unmanaged dirts to supply foods to workss in sums that related to the soil’s alimentary supply capacity. It produced large-scale cultivations of land where they besides practiced monocropping and organized irrigation. Mechanization and chemical fertilisers and pesticides are other factors to assist increase outputs in production. Intensive agribusiness allowed early civilisations to populate more sustainable lives. It allowed unmanaged dirts to supply foods to workss in sums related to the soil’s alimentary supply capacity. It besides aided in feeding larger populations from a smaller land base due to higher harvest outputs. A little labour force was needed in agribusiness along with needing to be mechanized. Due to this, the economic sciences improved when it was focused around a big, centralized production system. Because of intensive agribusiness, the Sumerians were able to make a excess of storable nutrient that enabled the population to settle in one topographic point, farther leting an accretion of extra merchandise. It flourished because they were able to specialise their labour force in the ways of agribusiness therefore taking to a greater population denseness. With a turning population, an addition in production was able to go on because intensive agriculture allowed higher harvest outputs to be produced from smaller land bases. The Sumerians finally over exploited their cedar woods in order to back up the initiation of their metropolis, Ur, during the Bronze Age. They created log transit in the rivers, which increased the salinization. Salinization is the 2nd largest cause of dirt debasement and due to salinization ; there was a progressive diminution in harvest outputs. Finally, this so led to the autumn of the Sumerians. Forests and Human Survival 10. The tundra is the least disturbed biome proved by its statistic of being disturbed by about.3 % by worlds. It proves to be a hard country to populate in because of its cold temperature and limited tree growing. Well-established workss can non last here because deep root systems are impossible to organize due to the bed of permafrost. Permafrost is the chief commanding factor as to why such small flora grows within this biome. The tundra contains blunt landscapes and dirt that is frozen for most of the twelvemonth. It is besides characterized by bare and bouldery land, doing trees hard to turn. All of the flora that is able to turn here are adapted to high air currents that invariably disturb the dirt. Plants are short and bunch together to defy the cold temperatures and are protected by the snow during the winter. Although workss are frequently ephemeral and little here, they can transport out photosynthesis at low temperatures and low visible radiation strengths. The turning sea sons are short and merely last between 50-60 yearss. Most workss reproduce by budding and division instead than by blooming. Turning big harvests would be hard within the tundra because of the tundra’s utmost clime. Agriculture is an of import portion to a turning civilisation and due to the tundra’s highly cold clime and unsustainable resources, it makes establishment hard. The tundra besides experiences small precipitation during the twelvemonth doing the clime seem desert-like. During the summer, the top bed of dirt thaws doing the land free and boggy. Besides, the bed of permafrost does non run excessively far below the surface hence, making lakes and fens on the surface. An unstable land does non back up lasting residences. Dead organic stuff serves as a beginning of foods, therefore supplying P and N. Biodiversity is low within the tundra while besides incorporating low population Numberss of the animate beings that do live here. The big mammals frequently migrate or hibernate so nutrient beginnings are non wholly consistent. During the long winters, mammals that hibernate would turn out to supply a nutrient deficit to dwellers that tried to populate here. Because a person’s chief beginning for meat migrates, this would coerce the household to go mobile as good merely like the Laplanders that lived in this part. Seal meat is an option, but it does non make a balanced diet. Humans would hold to look to kelp or other workss for farther nutrition. Due to these grounds, the tundra proves to be more of an utmost environment that makes it difficult for human endurance. Ecological Constraints in Torrid zones 1. Tropical woods are located between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn and are characterized by the mean air temperature being above 75 grades Fahrenheit. Almost all tropical woods lie near the equator. Tropical woods are besides really damp and can be hurt if they receive well less sums of rainfall. These woods are known to incorporate high biodiversity, hapless dirts and workss that are toxic due to their defensive chemicals. Although tropical woods contain high biodiversity in workss and animate beings, they do non incorporate high Numberss in microbic biodiversity. Worlds are besides found to hold short life spans in these parts due to their exposure to disease. Yet, worlds are still able to pull out many resources from tropical woods that prove to be helpful in mundane stuffs. Latexes, resins, and medical specialties are common resources extracted from the woods every bit good as fibre, tannic acids and cork. Latexes that exist within bark are used as the treeâ€℠¢s manner of defence against marauding insects. It is besides used in the production of masticating gum and some electrical insulating compounds. About a one-fourth of all the medical specialties people use comes from rainforest workss. The tubocurarine is a works that comes from a tropical vine that is known for its toxicant that can paralyse. Worlds have been able to pull out this plant’s toxicant in order to utilize for runing. It is besides known to be used in surgeries as a musculus relaxant and anaesthetic. Quinine, from the Peruvian bark tree, is used to handle malaria. It is estimated that about 1,400 assortments of tropical workss are exploited medically and thought to be possible remedies for malignant neoplastic disease. Tropical woods house about half of the world’s works and animate being species yet merely cover approximately 6 % of the Earth’s land surface. Some features of animate beings found in the wood are distinguishable forms with bright colourss, loud voices, and diets heavy on fruits. Insects make up the largest population of animate beings that live in the tropical woods. They include brilliantly coloured butterflies, mosquitoes, stick insects, and immense settlements of emmets. The Amazon river basin rain forest contains a wider assortment of works and carnal life than any other biome in the universe. Over 80 % of people live along the Amazon river and grow harvests in these countries. The river provides all human endurance demands such as H2O for imbibing, bathing, rinsing and even their bathroom. Folktales such as the Pink Dolphin is popular amongst the people who live by the Amazon river that says Botos, or the Pink Dolphins, turn into fine-looking work forces and come onto shore to infuse adult females in order to explicate why the pregnant adult female has no hubby. The Amazon river’s H2O degrees rise approximately one time a twelvemonth to every bit much as 24 pess. The people populating on the Amazon’s shore have adapted by constructing their house on piles in order to suit to the lifting H2O degrees. The implosion therapy of the river helps to scatter seeds and go around different species of fish. Large fish frequently acquire stranded in lakes when the H2O recedes and communities have learned to pull off these lakes as a beginning of nutrient. Some of the bi g fish that acquire caught is the Pirarucu. It is the largest fresh H2O fish in the universe that can make lengths of 15 pess. It has shrunk in size from the past due to take down food degrees. The dwellers that live along the Amazon river are in the Riparian zone, which is the country right following to the river. It contains the most productive dirts and is dependent on river implosion therapy for cycling. The Riparian zone contrasts with non inundation field dirts because they contain high Numberss in clay and high Numberss in toxic elements as good. The trees within tropical woods prove to be alone every bit good. Their huge tallness and consecutive short pantss characterize many trees. Their short pantss do non ramify out for 100 pess or more because subdivisions are non able to last below the canopy where there is small sunlight. A bulk of the trees have smooth and thin bark because of the warm temperatures, there is no demand to protect themselves from H2O loss or freezing temperatures. Their smooth bark makes them resistant to air plants and works parasites to attach themselves to their short pantss. The trees physically look instead similar and can merely be characterized by their budding flowers. A tropical wood contains beds which are identified as the emergent, upper canopy, understory and forest floor.Emergent trees are characterized by being spaced widely apart with umbrella-shaped canopies that grow above the forest. They tend to hold little, pointed foliages because of their exposure to dry air currents. Some species of emergent trees lose their foliages during the brief dry season in monsoon rain forests. These elephantine trees have straight, smooth short pantss with few subdivisions. Their root system is really shallow, so in order to back up their size they grow buttresses that can distribute out to a distance of 30 pess. These buttresses relieve force per unit area and weight to the outer subdivisions. The upper canopy of 60 to 130 pes trees is the most open to sunlight. Due to this, it causes big sums of shadiness to the beds below it. Most of the rain forest ‘s animate beings live in the upper canopy. The readily available nutrient beginnings lay within the upper canopy so animate beings barely have to travel down to the forest floor. The sloth, an animate being that lives in the upper canopy, merely makes it manner down to the forest floor one time a hebdomad as a bathroom trip. The foliages in the upper canopy contain trickle spouts that allow rain to run off. This helps keeps the foliages dry and prevents cast and mold from organizing in this humid environment. The following bed is the understory. The trees that live in this bed are around 60 pess tall. The understory is usually place to the short pantss of trees, bushs, little trees and other workss. The humidness found at this degree is really high due to small air motion. Because the upper canopy creates a batch of shadiness to the beds below, this degree receives really small sunshine and is invariably in the shadiness. Due to this, it is hard for big flora to turn here. The forest floor is usually wholly shaded. On the floor, few shrubs or workss grow here because of the deficiency of sunshine. Studies show that approximately less than 1 % of the sunshine that hits the upper canopy reaches the forest floor. Small flora grows here because the top bed of dirt is really thin and hapless in foods. Debris falls from the upper canopies onto the floor that serves as foods for decomposers such as worms, Fungis and other decomposers. At the forest floor, the humidness is really high due to even less air motion but it besides helps to interrupt down dust on the forest floor. The tree’s shallow roots besides absorb the organic affair from the dust. The air beneath the lower canopy is really humid due to miss of air motion and the upper canopy barricading the sun’s rays. The trees give off H2O through pores in their bole through a procedure of transpiration which accounts for about half of the forests’ precipitation. Due to the forests’ high precipitation rate, workss have adapted foliages that shed H2O reasonably rapidly so they are non weighed down by the H2O and interruption. Besides, in order to absorb every bit much sunshine as possible, the foliages are wide and really big in the understory. Some trees are even found to hold chaffs that turn with the motion of the Sun in order to absorb every bit much sunshine as possible. In contrast with the lower degrees of the forest, in the upper canopies, where the foliages are exposed to much of the sunshine, they have adapted to be little and dark in order to cut down H2O loss. Dominant species do non be in tropical rain forests. This biodiversity and separation of the species enables them to be less vulnerable to mass taint and prevent die-off from disease or insect infestation. Animals depend on the turning seasons of the blooming and fruiting of rain forest workss in order to provide them with a year-around beginning of nutrient. Forest and Human Development Index 1. The Human Development Index measured a country’s development by uniting indexs of life anticipation, educational attainment and income into a composite homo development index. The Human Development Index created a frame for both societal and economic development. The HDI sets a lower limit and a maximal for each dimension, called goalposts, and so shows where each state stands in relation to these goalposts, expressed as a value between 0 and 1. A high HDI addition human ability to accommodate to alter and increase human resilience. High HDI states are by and large exceeding on instruction, wealth and their economic system. They normally exist within medium climates instead than extreme climes because they are excessively difficult to populate in. Norway was voted # 1 in HDI, or the best topographic point to populate. 37 % of its woods cover entire land country. Hong Kong was voted # 21 in HDI with a 17 % wood screen. The United States was voted # 12 in HDI and had 28 % woo d screen. The wood to set down distribution within the United States is equal to its distribution globally whereas land used for nutrient production is more than two times higher than what it is globaly. By and large, states with a high HDI have nice per centum in wood covering their entire land country yet high HDI have lower forest screen than average HDIs. Some myths include that high populations correlate to unsustainable picks made by its population yet it is non population denseness that determines this, but picks. A sustainability myth such as high population densenesss equates to unsustainable picks states that states with high populations are more likely overexploit their resources. This is non needfully true because the myth fails to admit that it is instead the picks a society makes on how it consumes its resources. States with high development rankings have differing population densenesss that don’t correlate to their sustainability patterns. Netherlands has one o f the highest population densenesss with 393 n/km2while Sweden merely has 20 n/km2. Yet both are ranked high in development. Surveies show that less labour in agribusiness or forestry or the more labour in service industries produces a higher HDI rank. In order to expose traditional ways of judging how good a state is making, the Human Development Index efforts to make a simple composite step of human development in order to convert the populace, faculty members, and policy-makers that they can and should measure development non merely by economic progresss but besides betterments in human wellbeing. Other histories that were believed to be taken into consideration when finding a country’s wellbeing is by analysing the other capablenesss cardinal to a fulfilling life that include the ability to take part in the determinations that affect one’s life, to hold control over one’s life environment, to bask freedom from force, to hold other’s regard, and to loosen up and merely hold merriment. Health, instruction and income are the chief three make up one's minding factors to a country’s HDI because they are universally valued around the universe and mensurable indexs. Health proves to be one of the most of import indexs people possess to be alive. Peoples are concerned with holding to avoid premature decease by disease or hurt and to populate in a healthy environment, to keep a healthy life style, and to achieve the highest possible criterion of physical and mental wellness. Education is indispensable in order to make single freedom, self-government, and autonomy. Income is indispensable to run intoing basic demands like nutrient and shelter. Importantly, income straight or indirectly ties the other cardinal factors together such as a nice instruction ; safe, clean life ; and individualisation. Plants Cited Michael G. â€Å"Tropical Rainforest.† 2001. Web: hypertext transfer protocol: // â€Å"The Tundra Biome† . Web: hypertext transfer protocol: // United Nations Development Programme. Human Development Reports: â€Å"Human Development Index.† Web: hypertext transfer protocol: // Measure of America: â€Å"Human Development.† 2014. Web: hypertext transfer protocol: //

Sunday, September 29, 2019

My Hero: Drew Chadwick

Every child has a hero, someone he looks up to, someone he tries to be like in every way possible. His hero may be his mom or dad, or Spiderman or Batman. Even today as teenagers we still have heroes; even parents have heroes. A hero is defined as â€Å"a person, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. (dictionary. com)† My hero is Drew Chadwick of Emblem3. Drew is my hero because he has the qualities I value in a person; they include a humble and inspirational outlook, a true talent for music, and the genius mind behind Team Inspire.Drew has a humble outlook on life and an inspiring message he tries to spread, which is one of the reasons he is my hero. His motto in life is very different from most boys; his motto is â€Å"Namaste. † According to Drew, it means ‘I honor the place in you where the universe resides, and when I am in that place and when you are in that place, we are one. ’ Last year was very diffi cult for me; personally I went through a rough time and his outlook inspired me to get through it. Drew went through the same thing I did.Sharing his story and message showed me sometimes its ok, not to be okay. Drew’s music is unlike something you would normally hear on the radio. His lyrics come from his heart and his experiences. He leaves his heart and soul out on the stage when he performs. Drew’s lyrics are easily relatable and have helped me through the most challenging times. From â€Å"The Boy Who Was Torn Apart† to â€Å"True Friends† there is something in the lyrics that I can relate to. His words inspire me to be a better person every day.Lastly, Drew us one of the master minds behind Team Inspire. It amazes me that he is a part of such an inspirational movement. â€Å"Team Inspire Project is a movement dedicated to bringing conscious awareness worldwide through the power of inspiration. By encouraging young people to tap into their highest p otential, Team Inspire believes they can change the world one mind at a time. † When Drew is not touring he spends his time working with Team Inspire. Personally, I am a member of a Team Inspire.A few things I do with Team Inspire are local beach cleanups and participate in workshops that show better and healthier ways to live. Through the work of Team Inspire I along with Drew and others are learning how to change the world one mind at a time. This summer I had the chance to meet my hero and was able to tell him how much he meant to me and inspired me. Everyone has a hero and my hero is Drew Chadwick. Drew’s humble and inspirational outlook, true talent for music, and genius mind behind Team Inspire make him my perfect hero.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Create a counseling theory that is compatible with a Christian Essay

Create a counseling theory that is compatible with a Christian Worldview - Essay Example The human quest for knowledge has at times placed reason and science at odds with theology and faith. Of course, this conflict is ultimately illusory, as all truth is God’s truth. But that hasn’t prevented champions from both side from sparring with each other. The most cited instance of this phenomenon was the dispute between Galileo and the medieval Catholic church. The Italian scientist was right, as even the Roman pontiff has admitted in recent years. That was hardly the last round in the centuries-long controversy, however. The nineteenth century was a time of both great discovery and tremendous turmoil. Charles Darwin turned the world upside down with the publication of his volumes The Origin of Species and Descent of Man. The higher critics in Germany questioned the veracity of Scripture. Across Christendom, the fundamentals of the faith seemed to be crumbling under the ferocity of an all-out intellectual assault. The new discipline known as psychology wasn’t exempt from this battle. Sigmund Freud pioneered the study of human personality and the causes of mental illness. While much of his writings reveal keen insights into human nature, their overall theme was stridently materialistic. As the century developed other theorists such as Jung constructed their own theories. In his case his views were far from atheistic. However, they display an openness to eastern thoughts forms similar to those common in Buddhist and Hindu thought. In these ways it foreshadowed so-called New Age counseling methods. For every action there is an opposite reaction. The emphasis on reason and objectivity that emerged from the Enlightenment found a formidable challenge in the writings of Soren Kierkegaard in the 1800s. Widely regarded as the father of existentialism, the Dutch thinker emphasized the roles of subjective answers and of human freedom in discovering one’s meaning in life. His views were later given a nihilistic

Friday, September 27, 2019

Filling out application form for SOCIAL WORK COURSE Essay

Filling out application form for SOCIAL WORK COURSE - Essay Example often asked and which are required to be answered in application forms are designed to help the institution that is admitting these students assess the candidates and also to provide an opportunity for the students to determine if they are indeed interested in the course or vocation that they will like to develop themselves. In this essay, some questions that are required to be answered for admission to a social work degree are considered and possible answers provided, with due regard to the background of the candidate filing out the form. This brief essay presents some appropriate responses to questions related to a social work case which may be required to be discussed as a part of the entrance requirements to a degree course in Social Work at a British university. Whereas those who may respond to the questions related to the social work case that is being discussed may have a GCE ‘A’ – level education and varied work experience, the social work case that is required to be discussed is considered from the perspective of a candidate for admission who is from a minority Asian background and hence the candidate is better able to appreciate the peculiarities of the culture of the Indian Sub-Continent, along with the peculiarities of the British culture. The candidate is a second generation migrant to the United Kingdom who was born and bred in the United Kingdom, but was raised in her home environment which is a reflection of the culture of the Indian Sub-Continent. Such individuals, who have an inte rest in social work, can prove to be invaluable for conducting social work in the United Kingdom, because they have the capacity of being able to understand both the British and the Indian cultural traditions. These individuals can serve as a bridge between communities and not only assist in the assimilation of migrants from different background into the multicultural British community, but also help those migrants who have now grown old and are in need of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

How can HR management systems and practices in Malaysia businesses be Essay

How can HR management systems and practices in Malaysia businesses be re-designed using KM and OL principles to increase innovat - Essay Example The various HRM practices would give an insight into the functionality of the Malaysian organizations and on the various procedures of conducting operations like training, selection, staffing and recruitment (Barnes 2002, 220-320). Finally, the study will highlight how the inclusion of OL and KM principles would lead to the betterment of the functionality of the organizations. Human Resources Management Practices in Malaysia In Malaysian organizations, the focus is on the integration of HR activities and practices which requires the alignment of the existing personal HR practices with the interests of the employee and personnel (Gelder 2005, 322). The strategic importance and emphasis is given on the integration of activities in the electronic industry of Malaysia. This strategic integration is an important element as it helps in solving the complexities of the problems and also, in assessing the interpretation of the problems (Gill 2000, 23). The HR strategy formulation is also give n its much deserved importance in Malaysian organizations which lay emphasis on the development and implementation of internal consistent polices and practices designed for the accomplishment of objectives (Hashim 2009, 224). The HRM practices in the human resource development process helps in the organizational innovation process. Malaysian organizations concentrate on the importance of the HR business and organizational strategy and also, on the protection of assets. However, it has been observed that the Malaysian organization does not believe in the job rotation facilities and hammers on imparting the operation knowledge (Haslinda and Sarinah 2013, 324). The Malaysian organizations are highly dependent on technological innovations and procedures which need to be re-designed constructively for enhancing the organizational outcome and also, for improving the existing systems. Figure 1: Human Resources in Malaysia (Source: Curtin University of Technology 2005). Redesigning of HR Pr actices using the Knowledge & Organizational Learning Principles Knowledge Management (KM) principles help in the improvement of the existing systems by employing own attributes (Institutional Repository 2006).There are several methods to implement the change management techniques for continuous improvement in the existing systems (Laiken 2001, 23). This is because the KM principles vary according to the situation and help in the improvement of the operational abilities of the organization (Infed 2013). The process is not iterative and relies heavily on the management systems. It aids the amalgamation of the engineering process and systems and also, the analysis of the organizational dynamics (Lee and Ahn 2001, 213). The structuring of organizational dynamics would be required for the integration of activities and systems which would address all the organizational issues and problems. The model is used to hone the skills of the employees, redesign the organizational structure and al so, gain expertise through the exchange of knowledge systems with their colleagues. The Malaysian organization needs to emphasize on their functioning in three important facets of the organization. They are namely, virtual work team, community of practice (COP) and expertise network systems. These three elements stress on the creation and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Balanced Scorecard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Balanced Scorecard - Essay Example The Balanced Scorecard Though the balanced scorecard system was originally developed by Kaplan and Norton to be implemented as a technique for performance management and evaluation, the technique is now used extensively by the organizations as a framework for implementation of new strategies in the business by the identification and deployment of the value drivers in the business with an aim to create strategic advantage. The Balanced Scorecard is a management framework comprising of the performance measurement system as well the process of meeting the key strategic objectives for the business. But there are several deficiencies associated with the original Balanced Scorecard framework as designed by Kaplan and Norton. These may be recognized as: The framework does not have a sufficiently codified mechanism to enable the organization to take decision regarding the inclusion and sustainability considerations in the design of the scorecard. Also, the balanced scorecard framework seems to lack the appropriate processes to evaluate risks that are beyond the client related risks. Other drawbacks of the balanced scorecard technique include the dependence of the scorecard on the performance and control features that do not originate from within the organization, the lack of rationality in the original framework of the scorecard model and the validity of the identified objectives based on which the cause and effect mappings are formed. (Banker and Chang, 2004). Also, the balanced scorecard technique does not take into account the effects of external competitive forces and the new technological necessities which are critical in deciding the performance of the organization and play a major role in deciding the risks and future strategies associated with the business. These shortcomings of the balanced scorecard framework can be addressed by including a wider array of people like social and environmental managers effectively in every critical step of the design and implementation of the balance d scorecard and considering the explicit social and environmental risk factors in the different perspectives involved in the building of the scorecard framework (Hoque, 2012). To effectively address the strategic issues created by both the external and internal factors affecting the performance of the organization, a number of techniques should be included in the balanced scorecard building and implementation processes (Merl, 2007). These may include encouraging the collaboration levels between the operations management unit, financial controllers, marketing management and the social or environmental management within the business, integrating a number of innovative strategic indicators into the balanced scorecard which are related to the social and environmental concerns and result in more value creation by the use of these activities and lastly, the identification of the critical strategic concerns related to the operations of the environmental and social wings of the organization . These strategies can be implemented by the use of mapping models and cause and effect diagrams (Kaplan and Norton, 2008). The balanced scorecard is often unsuccessful in meeting its objectives when there

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Wu zholiu's orphan of asia and taiwanese students studying in japan Essay - 1

Wu zholiu's orphan of asia and taiwanese students studying in japan - Essay Example ndaries of history and literature and through a discussion of comparison between Taiwanese and Japanese literature try to understand the effect that history has on literature. Orphan of Asia was written by a writer facing the crisis of identity that was just as common to any other Taiwanese. The book was written during 1943, two years before Taiwan attained independence. The book belongs to the period when Taiwan was a colonized country, and it generates just as much empathy for Taiwan as a literary work describing Hiroshima and Nagasaki event would generate. Belonging to a period when Taiwan, Japan, and China indicate much more openness in their relationships, the literary work forces its readers to think about human nature and their unending quest to gain power. The literary works also lay before us the option of choosing a peaceful and non-discriminatory path in contrast to the one that leads to capturing power (or rather power capturing us). The work also indicates how different people can be within their own country. Some people prefer to remain loyal to the serving master and thus gain their master’s ‘blessings’ while other prefe r to do what’s right which often goes against the way of the master. However, the only thing binding the people is their nationality in the same way that the thread binding Westerners and Easterners is ‘being human’. Wu Zhouliu was born in 1900 and after completing his education in a kÃ… gakkÃ…  (public school), he went to Taipei Teachers College. Later he joined a kÃ… gakkÃ…  as a teacher but left the job because of discrimination against Taiwanese. He went to China and became a reporter for a newspaper, he was afraid to come back to Taiwan as the Japanese officials suspected him. However, during the Pacific wars he had to return to Taiwan, as he feared Chinese wrath. He was not able to live peacefully as long as Japan continued its colonization. He died in 1976, because of a serious cold condition, at the age

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Money as the Appropriate Measure of the Policy Literature review

The Money as the Appropriate Measure of the Policy - Literature review Example However it is incorrect to regard the money as the appropriate measure of the policy towards the increase in the interest rates, the interest rates are based on the supply of bonds, and rate of interest is regarded as the return on bonds, through bonds the evaluation of the liquidity effect can be exercised. The measurement of the money can be exercised through the non-borrowed reserves; the purpose of injecting the money cannot be achieved through the withdrawal of say, Treasury bills. The injection of money can also be exercised through the purchase of long-term bonds, and this is expected to develop an impact on the short-term rates. The bond market risk is associated with the occurrences when the agents allocate the funds towards the bond market without any evaluation and analysis of the purchasing and selling price of the band afterward. Such concerns are imminent because asset markets are considered to be incomplete and segmented. The risk within the bond market based on the supply of the bonds is experienced when the agents and dealers are willing to invest their resources in the trade market. The buyers are the expected beneficiaries when the bond-supply shock is positive, the positive effect is based on the lower prices of the bond as compared to the expected prices, and when the expected rate of return has been crossed. Therefore within the bond market business, the dealers are expected to make a good fortune, and 'any real consequences are distributional because the shock has favored some agents at the expense of others'. The expansion and growth of the bond market are expected to determine the time perio d associated with the downgrade within the bond market the time is considered to be the major dimension, and the expansion of the bond market is based on the 'relationship between the indicators and the downgrade'. In the case of banks, the relation between the market indicators which include rating changes, abnormal stock returns, and the proportion of equity owned by institutional investors and bank insiders and supervisory information have failed to explain the supervisory assessments and bond ratings, and for this purpose, the equity indicators have been ignored. It was reported that the 'bond spreads with particularly poor supervisory assessments reducing spreads and vice versa', therefore the market is based on the market discipline i.e. supervisory assessments. It was investigated that market prices incorporate additional information as compared with the accounting variables, and therefore influence the ratings of the respective bonds, however there is no variance in the future prospects and worth of the bond, it is the debt market indicators which have predictive power to influence the performance and operations of the bond market. Â  

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Homework Assignment Essay Example for Free

Homework Assignment Essay 1.Prepare an analysis of the automobile manufacturing industry using Porter’s five forces framework. For each component force provide support for your conclusion. In addition, at the completion of your analysis provide a conclusion, along with support, of whether you expect the automobile industry to report high or low profitability in the near future. 2. Tremble Company manufactures outdoors wear for women. During 2009, the company reported the following items that affected cash. Required: Indicate whether each of these items is a cash flow from operating activities (O), investing activities (I), or financing activities (F). A. Paid cash for supplies B. Purchased equipment by paying cash C. Collected cash on account from customers D. Paid dividends to stockholders E. Paid suppliers for fabric F. Borrowed money from a bank on a long-term note G. Paid interest to bank on the note H. Paid wages to employees I. Sold shares of common stock to new stockholders 3. The following selected financial data pertain to four companies: a hotel, a travel agency, a meat packing company and a pharmaceutical company. Required: Match each with the financial information and explain why you made your choice as you did. Balance Sheet Data (component percentages)Company 1Company 2Company 3Company 4 Cash7. Accounts Receivable28.040.03.423.0 Inventory21.40.50.927.4 Property, Plant Equipment Income Statement Data (component percentages) Gross Profit15.2Not ApplicableNot Applicable44.0 Profit before Taxes1. Ratios Current ratio (over the last five years) Inventory turnover ratio27.8Not ApplicableNot Applicable 3.4 Debt-to-equity ratio1. 4. Use the current asset section of the balance sheets of the El Paso Company as of January 31, 2012 and 2011 presented below to answer the questions that follow. 2012 2011 Cash and cash equivalents$ 75,000$ 58,800 Trade accounts receivable, net 157,500 193,200 Inventory 208,200 253,400 Other current assets 18,400 15,500 Total current assets$ 459,100$ 520,900 Total assets$2,650,000$3,430,000 Required: (a) In the spaces provided below, complete a Percentage Change analysis of the current asset section of El Paso Companys balance sheet for 2012, using the following format to provide your answers for the amount of dollar change and the amount of percentage change, rounding â€Å"% Change† to one decimal place, e.g., 8.3%. Accounts$ Change% Change (b) Provide a short evaluation of this analysis.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

On Prejudice Essay Example for Free

On Prejudice Essay The word bigot is a powerful word. It is a word that many feel to be of the utmost offense, and yet, by definition, it is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices. With this in mind, and human natures impeccable ability to draw stereotypes for every type of person, cant we all be considered bigots? In Bill Cosbys short satire, On Prejudice, this issue is concisely addressed and brought to its knees through his use of sarcasm, and an ability to corner any stereotype by just simply bringing it to a clear, succinct truth. While many balked at the idea of racial prejudice and stereotypes during the 1970s, Cosby approached it with honesty and candor. His use of vulgar words, diffident body language, belittling tone, and biting disparagement allowed Cosby to effectively show societys lack of understanding and appreciation for the worlds racial diversity. In a time when prejudice was beginning to cower in the shadows as a product of the civil rights movement, Cosby recognized that while law had forbid discrimination, it still very much existed in our culture and society. On Prejudice was his way of addressing this delicate issue. The 1970s followed a decade of success among the civil rights movement; however, this success caused many to withdraw from still recognizing it as a problem. While discrimination was pronounced unlawful, Cosby addressed a different kind of prejudice; A prejudice that was subconscious and mendacious. On Prejudice opens with a wide shot of Cosby sitting on a stool beneath a single spotlight. The music is a single violin, playing a single chord. Cosby is smoking a cigar and slouched over the stool. The use of lighting and music is very effective in that it truly adds to the solitude of Cosbys ridicule. It is a keen way that he uses to single out prejudice, and it is very effective in that it gives a sense that bigotry is a lonely place to be. His body language and subtle movements give the audience a sense of distance and that the person they are watching is very closed off. Cosby then begins to speak. At first notice he employs a feeling of simple impersonation and innocent humor. However, after listening, one begins to realize that his impersonation goes much deeper. Secondary thoughts begin to surface and innocent humor turns into harsh ridicule and mockery. He speaks on old people, children, Jews, Irish, African Americans (which he refers to as niggers), and Italians. Each group is addressed as the scum of the earth. He takes stereotypes and prejudices and gives them a voice. His phrases and word usage have a bold honesty to them. He consistently speaks of making groups just go away. But he abstains from his harsh comments by repeating that they would not have to leave by blood shed. This effectively adds to the arrogance of his character and truly reveals the power of satire. Another action he consistently refers to is spitting on certain groups. He sets up why he dislikes each group. Then, whether it is the drunken Irish, Italian criminals, or slow old people, he then follows with stating that if he were to see these groups he would just spit on them. This is reintroduced over and over again to remind the audience that they are dealing with an obnoxious person. This technique also reinforces the arrogance of his character in that it shows that he lacks the will to come up with intelligent solutions or justification for his actions. With these in mind, Cosbys most effective technique is his ability to grab the audiences attention through satirical disdain. Cosby makes it incredibly easy to fall into a trap where one can be lured into relating to his judgments and stereotypes. He makes his audience laugh and connect with his opinions. But just when the audience begins to feel comfortable, Cosby reveals that he is a bigot. This sense of comfort and correlation quickly turns to scorn. He reveals how shameful it is to stereotype. All while staying in character and reinforcing the arrogance of society. He makes his audience feel as if they were no better than the man whose solution is to just get rid of ? em. He makes his audience feel that they are no better than a man whos so hateful that he would spit on other people. It is an ultimate sense of embarrassment. Putting these techniques to use gives one a sense of truth and yet shame at the same time. By addressing the most common forms of stereotypes and racial discrimination, He allows his audience to stop and not only reflect on how wrong it is to racially profile, but to also allow his audience to consider the judgments they themselves may have passed on certain groups prior. Cosbys impersonation ultimately embodies that of social unjust as a whole. Because of his honest and impudent characterization, he allows for no gray areas of discussion. His parody of a bigot properly makes each and every person feel like a bigot.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Role And Teachings Of The Dalai Lama Philosophy Essay

The Role And Teachings Of The Dalai Lama Philosophy Essay It is up to each of us to make the best use of our time to help create a happier world1. The mark of the 21st century embraced upon a civilization corrupted with greed for power. It originated a society that talks, walks, and breathes desire for power, and to achieve this desire it will go to any cost. It does not care how many innocent people die or how many people become homeless, all it cares about is being on top and surviving. Violence is in every corner, in every street, in every block, and pretty much in every country. To live, people are willing to kill their neighbours, more or less their own blood. Violence has engulfed all of what is in existence today. It has become a source of power, a source of desire, mankinds aspiration. Although, majority of mankind may be corrupted, there still lie those who believe and have faith in amity. A belief that one day this hunger for power will lie behind us and the future will dictate peace and uphold a place of altruism (unselfishness). Amongst these believers of hope is His Holiness, Tenzin Gyatso. Tenzin Gyatso is one who seeks to find peace even in the darkest of days. Tenzin Gyatso is the 14th Dalai Lama and a symbol for future hope for both Buddhism and his nation, Tibet. He is recognized as the reincarnation of Avalokiteshvara, a Buddha who has chosen to be reborn in order to enlighten others. The Dalai Lama embraces a genuine model of life: a model through reason and selflessness and not through force; a model which is neither harmful not hostile to humanity. The Dalai Lama governs without resorting to any means of punishment: he wields weapons against no one, ruling honourably and serenely with no hatred. The Dalai Lama preaches to cultivate compassions, and metta (kindness) for all beings. An in depth analysis of the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, and his philosophies illustrate the through non violence one can achieve inner peace. Tenzin Gyatso, more formally recognized as the Dalai Lama, is the religious Buddhist leader of the country Tibet. He is the 14th manifestation of the Bodhisattva of compassion, Avalokiteshvara. To Tibetans, this Dalai Lama is known by his title, Dalai meaning ocean, and Klein, Leslie. Sprituality in a Materialistic World. AuthorHouse, 2008. Lama meaning Wisdom2. To himself, he is Tenzin Gyatso, a simple Buddhist monk- no more no less3. His holiness was born on July 6th 1935 in a small village Takster to a peasant farm family of sixteen. Takster is a village in the eastern Tibet province Amdo. At the age of 2, Tenzin Gyatso was identified as the reincarnation of his precursor, the 13th dalai Lama, becoming the 14th in line of the Dalai Lamas. Born as Lhamo Dhondrub, he was renamed rJe btsun jam dpal ngag dbang blo bzang ye shes bstan dzin rgya mtsho srid gsum dbang bsgyur mtshungs pa med paI sde bzang po4. The tulkus (reincarnated lamas) coronation ceremony occurred on February 22, 1940 in Tibets capital, Lhasa. His education began at the age of six. At the age of 15, on 17 November 1950, he was crowned the title of Dalai Lama, becoming Tibets most important spiritual and political leader. At the age of 24, he was evaluated at the monastic universities of Drepung, Sera and Ganden. In Monlam Festival Prayer, Tenzin Gyatso took his final assessment at Jokhang where he was examined on the 3 subjects: logic, Middle Path, and the canon of monastic discipline. At the age of 25 he finished the Geshe Lharampa Degree, the Doctorate of Buddhist Philosophy. In 1989, the Dalai Lama received the Noble peace prize2. To understand Dalai Lamas preaching of non violence, first one must comprehend non- violence. Non-violence is one of the highest virtues that should be accepted by everyone, no matter if they plead to Buddhism or not. Non-violence means to refrain from vicious actions. One should not kill another living being. One should not hurt another living being. One should not pain another living being. One should not ahimsa (harm) another being. This is non-violence. According to the Dalai Lama, violence is not the key, it is not the answer to anything. 2 Mullin, Glenn H., and Valerie M. Shepherd. The Fourteen Dalai Lamas: a Sacred Legacy of Reincarnation. Santa Fe, NM: Clear Light, 2001 3 Mehrotra, Rajiv. In My Own Words: an Introduction to My Teachings and Philosophy. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, 2008. 4 Mehrotra, Rajiv. Understanding the Dalai Lama. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, 2008. We have two options. First, nonviolence. Second, violence- thats suicide. We have to live with the Chinese side by side. It is very essential to carry this movement of nonviolence, so that later, we can live happily. If we adopt violence on the Chinese, then Tibetans will also suffer. Some positive outcome- quite a few Chinese became sympathetic of Tibetan people. They came to me expressed themselves. Nonviolence is the best method5. Violence cannot be overcome by more violence. By responding to violence, the result will be catastrophic. On the contrary, by avoiding violence one can only hope to diminish others violence. A great example of this is the homeland of the Dalai Lama, Tibet. In 1950, the genocide of Tibet began with the Chinese army of the Peoples Republic. In 1951, the Chinese government tried to take rule over Tibet from the Dalai Lama through the seventeen-point agreement. In 1959, there was an uprising against the Chinese military; when that failed the Dalai Lama was force to flee to India. In 1959, his Holiness refuted in Dharamsala, North India where he established a government-in-exile2. The Chinese captured and imprisoned naive citizens and protestors, devastating the Tibetan culture. The Dalai Lama did not refute to foul words, he did not speak ill of the Chinese. Instead of fighting back, the Dalai Lama preaches that one should meditate and reflect on what they might have done on their previo us life that they are being tormented now. He helps people understand that if one responses by causing suffering amongst another, they are not contributing to a unity in their internal world nor to the external world. The lives they live are meaningless if it does not contribute to anything. By causing suffering they cause themselves more suffering, for in their next birth they will reborn into a worse life. The life one lives is based on the karma, action, of one in the previous life. Thus, rather than devoting oneself to harm the Dalai Lama preaches Tibetans to abstain from armed struggle and accumulate good karma to achieve inner peace. If everyone adopts and learns the morals of inner peace, no longer will there be people in this world who will cause ahimsa. No longer will there be violence. As a well-known spiritual leader and political ruler, the Dalai Lamas first and foremost 5 McLennan, Scotty. The Heart of Nonviolence: A Conversation with the Dalai Lama. Web. 1 Aug. 2010.. obligation is to protect his people and nation. The Dalai Lama has never ceased his people from using violence just because of Buddhist morals, but because, nonviolence is for us the only way. Quite patently, in our case violence would be tantamount to suicide 6. Some might think that by not fighting he brings upon torture to his people, but the initial purpose behind the Dalai Lama is to help his people to learn and to develop. By not fighting back he tries to show people that good does not come through war and bloodshed, by refusing to fight in the long run we secure a better future. Right now we must suffer, but the seeds to our suffering will grow a clean planet. The Dalai Lama is an idol to humanity, an advocator of non-violence. Thos who do afflict harm, the enemies, are just a test of time. With time and patience, as one accumulates good karma, the birth of amity will take place, and violence will vanquish. The enemy teaches you inner strength. Your mind by nature is very soft, but when you have troubles, your mind gets strong 7. Enemies are the test of time, for when one is surrounded by enemies one has to make important judgements. These judgements define the inne r self. If one is able to refrain from violence and overcome satanic thoughts and stay on the right path, one can achieve inner peace. Thus, through the process of non violence one achieves inner peace. When one is at inner peace with themselves in times of battle they make correct decisions and refuse to fight, ultimately causing outer peace. The Dalai Lamas believes nonviolence is connected with the free understanding of individuals. The free understanding of individuals is ultimately a path leading to mental amity. Thus, non violence originates inner peace. His Holiness, the14th Dalai Lama, believes to embark inner peace one must develop metta, (love, kindness and compassion)7. When we are non-violent and refuse to fight we attain metta in our hearts. When there is violence there is anger, hatred, 6 Bstan-Ê ¼dzin-rgya-mtsho, and SÃÅ' aÃÅ'„ntideva. A Flash of Lightning in the Dark of Night: a Guide to the Bodhisattvas Way of Life. Boston: Shambhala, 1994. 7 Piburn, Sidney. The Dalai Lama, a Policy of Kindness: an Anthology of Writings by and about the Dalai Lama. Ithaca, N.Y., USA: Snow Lion Publications, 1990. and attachment, but when there is no violence one is calm, and serene. With the origins of violence comes desire and greed, eventually leading to mental unrest. When we are kind and compassionate to others it makes others feel loved, and it helps us develop inner happiness. In one of his interviews, the Dalai Lama states: If you give way to anger, hatred, you get lost. No sensible human being wants to loose himself or herself. Hope and determination will bring upon a brighter future So in order to develop human determination you need hope. And to develop hope you need compassion, love. Love and compassion are the basis of hope and determination8. If one gives into anger and hatred they give in to inner strife. If one refuses to fury and forbids him or herself from fighting they develop love and compassion to bring upon a better future. One must first develop compassion and love towards others, and then will they receive love and compassion back. One must realize that nothing good comes without suffering. Rather than making others suffer, rather than raising weapons, one should be hopeful and determined. Good karma leads to a good life. When one develops compassion and love one achieves inner peace. Without inner peace we remain longing for desire. The Dalai Lama believes that if everyone achieves calmness, compassion, and love for others eventually one day there would not be a single person left that will cause brutality upon another. When everyone has achieved this state of happiness no longer will there be armed conflict, poverty, destruction, and prejudice. The Dalai Lama is a role model of non-violence, and believes inner peace can only be achieved through non violence. The Chinese have put Dalai Lama and his people through a lot of agony, yet he still prays for their wellness. He believes that rather than drawing upon weapons, if he holds back he will attain peace with the Chinese. That one day they will see that violence only leads to deaths; through non-violence they can reach a compromise. Tibetans refuse to fight, they decided to listen to his Holiness, and abstain from harming (ahimsa) another being. Through non-violence and compassion inner happiness and peace will develop, and likewise, through 8 Bstan-Ê ¼dzin-rgya-mtsho, and SÃÅ' aÃÅ'„ntideva. For the Benefit of All Beings: a Commentary on The Way of the Bodhisattva. Boston: Shambhala, 2009 inner peace outer peace will develop. Without inner peace one will always remain worried, disturbed or unhappy. The Dalai Lamas preachings about non-violence and metta to achieve inner peace is Tibetans hope and determination for the resolution of the Chinese Genocide. In his Dentsik Monlam prayer the Dalai Lama articulates: the violent oppressors are also worthy of compassion/ Crazed by demonic emotions, they do vicious deeds/ that bring total defeat to themselves as well as to others9. This prayer was written by the Dalai Lama when he was extremely ill and all around him was bloodshed caused by the Chinese Military. The Dalai Lama wanted his people to realize that liberation can only be achieved non-violently via altruism (unselfishness) and metta (kindness). Altruism and metta can only be achieved via non-violently. Thus through the non violent approach one achieves peace of mind. The Chinese Military will stop if the Tibetans do not respond. Violence can only grow when you nurtur e to it, by not giving it violence you forbid it from growing. According to his Holiness, the spirit of non-violence is the basis for achieving inner peace. But why should one achieve inner peace? To achieve inner peace is a step to achieving liberation. The first of the 5 Buddhist precepts is the vow to refrain from killing. That one should neither hurt nor harm (ahimsa) another being, but rather practise compassion and kindness (metta) towards them. To reach the ultimate goal of Buddhist path, Nirvana, and break through samsara, the cycle of life, one must be peaceful. To achieve enlightenment and to see things for what they really are, panna, one must reach tranquility of the mind. This calmness of the mind can only be achieved through meditation, and inner peace, not violence. The actions we take affect everyone around us, not just us, so how can you believe to be liberated when you bring harm upon others. Thus, in order to achieve inner peace and deliberate ourselves from suffering, we need to focus on others, and refrain from violent actio ns. 9 Bstan-Ê ¼dzin-rgya-mtsho, Dupchok Gyaltsen. Rabjampa, and Peter Gold. Words of Truth: a Prayer. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 1993. We can never obtain peace in the world if we neglect the inner world and dont peace with ourselves. World peace must develop out of inner act As long as the weapons are left alone in storage they cannot do any harm. A human being must use them.7. Resolution through conflict does not guarantee a solution every time. Outer disbarment comes from inner disarmament. The only true guarantee of peace lies within ourselves6. In a time of conflict, we become attached to our views and forget that everything is impermanent. Our thoughts become too clouded, and we become too ignorant. When one is no longer ignorant one achieves bodhi, total awakening. Any being who understands inner peace, and subsides in a non violent conduct is evidentially contributing to the universal peace of all beings and the exile of violence. means where it is possible, and where it is not10. Through Non violence one is able to control their emotions and stay happy. Through non-violence one is able to love, be compassionate and be metta towards others, as well as live in unity with humanity. Ultimately altruism, self consciousness, and amity through equal justice and fair-play lead to non-violence. Non-violence helps one acknowledge their internal awareness pertaining to greed, desire and hatred, and their outer awareness pertaining to how their internal awareness will affect the world. This awareness is ones inner peace. His Holiness, Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama has become a worldwide symbol for peace, a teacher of non violence, an inspiratio n for billions. According to the Dalai Lama the first inner awareness is that suffering exists and the way to liberate from it is through hope and compassion, not violence. Through non violence we attain inner peace, through violence we attain inner discord. Hence, the 14th Dalai Lama raises no weapons, faces no wars, and preaches for non violence to achieve inner peace, for hatred never ceases through hatred in this world; through non violence it comes to an end10. 10 Sulak, Sivaraksa. Seeds of Peace: a Buddhist Vision for Renewing Society. Berkeley, CA: Parallax, 1992.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Black Cat - Abnormal Madness :: Poe The Black Cat Essays

The   Black Cat - Abnormal Madness It seems that almost every Edgar Allen Poe story ever written has a much deeper and darker meaning hidden inside its lines. Many of these pieces are demented enough even if the reader does not read "between the lines." "The Black Cat" is an example of this kind of story. In this morbid look into the narrator's mind, the reader follows the narrator as he does many disturbing things in his household. This story, like many of Poe's other pieces, is a venture into abnormal psychology where the narrator is completely insane, not only because of the horrible things he does to his cat and his wife, but   because of his state of mind that he shows the reader throughout the story. At the beginning of the story, the narrator makes the writing out to be "plainly, succinctly, and without comment, a series of mere household events"   (p. 1495). As the story progresses, the reader finds out that this is > clearly not at all the case. The events within the text of this account are unmistakably the ramblings of a madman who cannot seem to control his actions and keeps drifting deeper and deeper into insanity. In the first paragraph of the story, the narrator begins to defend himself by saying that he is not mad. This definitely seems like he is trying to reassure himself more than the reader of his state of mind. This seems to be Poe's way of gradually   easing into showing the reader that this story is, in fact, an exploration   into the abnormal psychology of the human mind. The narrator says that from his childhood, he has been considered a very   docile person. He also mentions in the first part of the story that his "My tenderness of heart was even so conspicuous as to make me the jest of my   companions" (p. 1495). At the point in the story when he says all this, it seems fairly feasible. However, as the reader goes on to read, the rest of the story, they find out that this is not the narrator's present demeanor in the least. Just from seeing what is obvious about the narrator and not even reading deeper into his mindset, the reader can gather that the man is   probably not a reliable source for correct information.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

How Miller Presents Joe Keller as a Tragic Hero in All My Sons Essay

How Miller Presents Joe Keller as a Tragic Hero in All My Sons Joe Keller is a man who loves and values his family very much. Like most Americans he has given everything so he can have the big house, the fancy car and the bulging wallet. He has given everything so he can have the American Dream. Unfortunately for Keller, everything isn't as perfect as it seems. "All My Sons" is a very tragic play. It shows how a man can sacrifice everything including the honour of his name to make his family prosperous. This struggle for wealth and material goods involves Keller doing an awful crime because he wants his family to be wealthy. This is the cause of Keller's downfall. In "All My Sons" Miller examines the morality of a man who places his narrow responsibility to his immediate family above his wider responsibility to the men who rely on the integrity of his work. "All My Sons" shows Keller placing his family in front of society. At the end of "All My Sons" Keller disappears offstage and shoots himself. This is a very tragic thing to happen because all Keller wanted was a happy family. When Chris finds out that Keller, his father, had allowed faulty cylinder heads to be sent out of his factory, Keller proves to the audience that he wanted good to come from it by saying "what the hell did I work for? That's only for you, Chris, the whole shootin' match is for you" on page 102 and "For you, a business for you!" on page 158. This tells the audience that Keller was a very hard worker and that all the hard work he did was for his family. After hearing this Keller doesn't sound like a murderer or a killer at all. He sounds like a very loving and devoted father and husband who may have done something wrong but ... ...admires him for being able to wriggle his way out of a prison sentence. They admire him for how clever he was to lie and pin the blame on someone else. I think this is a very corrupt society and I think that is what Miller was trying to portray to the audience in "All My Sons". Miller wanted to get across to the audiences his views on American society. I think Miller writes about another broader tragedy in the play besides Keller's tragedy. This tragedy is the society we live in today and how nobody looks out for each other. It is all about the survival of the fittest nowadays. This is what Chris tries to stand up against throughout the play. Keller's tragedy in "All My Sons" is that he works so hard for the American Dream and at the end of the play he shoots himself. By doing this he is giving up everything he has worked so hard for over his life.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Ethics and Communication

RESEARCH PAPER ON: ETHICS AND COMMUNICATION Abstract It’s obvious that technology has played a huge role in the way we conduct business today. Have these technological advances created a new breed of easily distracted, inefficient employees? Are employees cheating their own corporations out of time, money, and overall productivity? Many agree that the advent of email, instant messaging, and the world-wide-web have created an easy way for employees to take unnoticed and unregulated personal breaks throughout the work day. Beyond the lack of productivity created by these employees, this type of behavior also has the potential to create other serious problems for the organization. For these reasons, many employers must decide whether or not to implement internet usage policies. Many of these policies may even use monitoring devices for email, IM, and website history. We will examine the ethics and the consequences of employees taking personal time on the company dime. Ethics and Communication: Personal Time on the Company Dime In the workplace, there are numerous ways for employees to communicate with co-workers, friends, and family. Traditional communication channels were limited to phone, mail, and face-to-face interaction. Technological advances over the last twenty years have given employees a surplus of new ways to communicate. Employees now have the ability to use e-mail, instant messaging, text messaging, face-to-face video-conferencing, and networking websites such as Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter. All of these new electronic capabilities have enabled employees to contact friends and family within seconds. There is no question that these technological advancements have improved our quality of life. In contrast, they have also decreased the overall productivity of many employees. Employees across the globe are taking advantage of these available resources and using them for personal time at work. According to a survey taken in 2005 by Salary. com and AOL, more than 10,000 employees admitted to wasting an average of 2. 09 hours per day (Sahadi, 2005). This study showed that the time wasted by employees in 2005 totaled around $759 billion (Sahadi, 2005). These figures illustrate the economic severity of allowing employees to use their work time for personal reasons. Studies have shown that e-mail is the most widely abused way of stealing company time. According to a survey by Harris Interactive, â€Å"55% of the 1,711 respondents said that they send and receive personal  e-mail  on their work accounts. † (Schweitzer, 2007). This clearly lowers productivity. However, there are many other negatives associated with using personal e-mail in the workplace. Many viruses are spread through e-mail attachments. Viruses can destroy important files, hardware, and entire networks. Also many personal e-mail accounts are highly vulnerable to hackers who gain unauthorized access in order to steal financial data or critical trade secrets. An electronic disaster like this could cost a corporation millions of dollars. An additional nuisance caused by using work accounts for personal use is excessive â€Å"spam†, or junk e-mail. According to a study by Nucleus Research Inc. in 2003, the average employee receives 13. 3 spam e-mail messages per day (NRI, 2003). N. R. I. lso found that in 2003 â€Å"spam† will cost the average organization 1. 4% in productivity, or $874 per employee per year (NRI, 2003). As the research confirms, the use of personal e-mail at work has the potential to be devastating for corporations and its employees. The ethical option for all employees is to resist using work e-mail accounts for personal matters. Additionally, they should avoid using their personal e-mai l accounts at work. Instant messaging is a different tool that many employees utilize to chat with co-workers, family, and friends while at their desks. Instant messaging services such as AIM or Yahoo! Messenger offer free instant messaging by simply downloading the software. It enables employees to chat in real time with people all over the world. Unfortunately, these instant messaging services are highly unsecured. They are easy targets for hackers looking to steal important corporate information. These programs also allow the transfer of files from one user to another with ease. This makes the transfer of viruses just as easy. Also, IM’s are an easy way for disgruntled employees to spread confidential information to competitors (Gaudin, 2002). Many co-workers like to use instant messaging for its ease and speed when working on projects. However, some of these employees also use the technology as an electronic â€Å"water cooler† to gossip and chit-chat. They are now able to talk without having to keep an eye out for the boss; thus sacrificing productivity. Generally, instant messaging should be used very carefully by employees to avoid any of the headaches it can create. Many people in the U. S. spend a large amount of their free time surfing the web. This habit tends to transfer over to their work time. According to the 2005 [email  protected] survey, â€Å"93% of all employees in the U. S. spend at least some of their time at work accessing the Web, up from 86% a year ago† (CNN, 2005). Of that 93%, they spend an average of 3. 4 hours per week surfing the internet for non-work related reasons (CNN, 2005). The survey also asked a very interesting question; â€Å"Which would you rather give up, your morning coffee or your internet connection at work? † (CNN, 2005). Over half of the respondents chose to give up their caffeine addiction; perhaps these employees are also â€Å"addictedâ€Å" to surfing the net. The most popular sites to visit among employees are news sites, online banking sites, and online shopping sites. Some employees even admitted to visiting pornographic websites while at work. Pornographic websites are breeding grounds for viruses, spyware, adware, and many other programs that can destroy company computers and networks. There are also legal issues that can arise from inappropriate â€Å"surfing†. If any other employees are exposed to these pornographic images, a sexual harassment complaint could be filed. The corporation can then be held liable. As an employee, it’s important to be ethical in the manner you use the internet. All employees need to understand that the websites they visit at work not only reflect themselves, but the company as a whole. All of the various problems associated with personal e-mailing, instant messaging, and surfing the web need to be addressed by management. First, it is important that the corporation has a strong code of ethics. Many of these issues could be avoided by implementing and enforcing a strong code of ethics throughout every level of the organization. The next step is to create an internet usage policy. There are many disagreements between managers regarding how strict these policies should be. For example, many employers advise a â€Å"zero tolerance† policy. This type of policy restricts any and all use of company resources for personal use. Some managers feel this type of policy is even more harmful to overall productivity than no policy at all. Geoff Haggart of WebSense comments; â€Å"The solution lies in balancing employees' needs for personal use of the Web at work without draining overall productivity, morale of the company's bottom line. (CNN, 2005). I agree with this rationale. I think the key is making sure that there is a limited amount of free time that employees receive in order to take care of appropriate personal matters while at work. Additionally, it is important that management is very clear in their definition of what is appropriate and what is not. There is no room for a gray area in a usage policy. Af ter the guidelines are set, a monitoring system should be set up to enforce the policies. Many employees complain about the lack of privacy in monitoring employees. I agree that employers should try to keep employees happy; however, I feel this is a sacrifice that management should be willing to make. Either way, corporations have the right to monitor any employee’s e-mail and internet use. In my opinion, employee monitoring is necessary in order to protect the corporation from the many dangers of irresponsible internet usage. In conclusion, it’s important that employees and employers are on the same page when it comes to the responsible use of electronic resources. Employees should be ethical and monitor their own use of company resources for personal matters. Likewise, employers need to recognize that some employees need short breaks throughout the work day to stay productive. Like many things in life, a compromise between the two is necessary to ensure a pleasant and productive work environment. References Sahadi, Jeanne. (2005). Power Slacking On The Job. CNN. com. Retrieved September 17, 2009, from http://money. cnn. com/2005/07/08/pf/wastedtime_job/ Schweitzer, Tamara. (2007). Seven Out of 10 Employees Admit to Abusing Office Computers, Phones. INC. com. Retrieved September 22, 2009, from http://www. nc. com/news/articles/200701/workers. html Gaudin, Sharon. (2002). IM Security Risks Spark Workplace Monitoring Debate. Datamation. Retrieved September 25, 2009, from http://itmanagement. earthweb. com/secu/article. php/1458241 Spam: The Silent ROI Killer. (2003) Nuclear Research Inc. Retrieved September 26, 2009, from http://www. spamhelp. org/articles/d59. pdf Web surfing ‘as addictive as coffee'. (2005, March 19). CNN. Retrieved September 26, 2009, from http://edition. cnn. com/2005/BUSINESS/05/19/web. work/index. html

Monday, September 16, 2019

Name and Discuss All the Seller’s Obligations in Details with Regards to a Contract of Sale

Contract of sale Table of content 1. The seller’s duty to protect 2. The seller’s duty to deliver 3. 1 The meaning of delivery 3. 2 How delivery occurs 3. The seller’s ability for latent defects 4. 3 General principles 4. 4 Requirements for liability 4. 5 Scope of the seller’s liability 4. 6 Waiver at the time of conclusion of the agreement 4. 7 Latent defects in repairs 4. The manufacture & dealer’s liability for latent defect 5. Liability on the grounds of the seller 6. The sellers liability for evictionIntroduction A contract of sale is a legal contract and exchange of goods, services to be exchanged from seller to buyer for an agreed upon value in money paid or the promise to pay same. 1. The seller’s duty to protect The seller’s primary obligations are to transfer ownership of the goods and deliver the goods. A seller may agree to package or label the thing in a certain way or service the thing for a specific period of time. The s eller’s is obliged to take care of the thing until it is delivered.The seller must exercise the care of a reasonable person in caring for the thing in question. The seller is liable for breach of contract if the thing is destroyed through his/her intentional or negligent carelessness. The seller is liable for breach of contract if the thing is destroyed through his/her intentional or negligent carelessness. However, in the absence of an explicit term excluding risk, the purchase carries the risk of the thing being accidentally damaged while still in the possession of the seller.If the purchase remain in breach to receive the thing, the seller can only be held liable if the thing is damaged or perishes because of his/her intention or gross negligence. 2. The seller’s duty to deliver 3. 1 The seller is obliged to deliver the thing to the purchaser. Delivery of the goods shall be made by the supplier in accordance with the terms specified in the contract. The details of s hipping and other documents to be furnished by the supplier are specified in special conditions of contract.The seller must make the thing available to the purchase and not necessarily that the seller must search for and find the purchase in order to deliver the thing. It is the seller’s duty to make â€Å"delivery† which does not refer to a physical delivery but merely means that the seller must permit the transfer of possession of the goods to the buyer. The delivery must be made in accordance with the terms of contract to sell. 3. 2 How delivery occurs 3. 3. 1 Movables A distinction is made between actual and constructive delivery.If the contract requires the seller to make delivery as a destination point, the duty of the seller is the same as though were dealing with the buyer face to face, rather than placing the goods in the possession of a carrier. However, if any documents are issued by the carriers that are necessary to obtain possession of the goods, the sell er must also tender such documents. 3. 3. 2 Actual delivery Is the handing over of a thing 3. 3. 3 Constructive delivery The thing may be pointed out or something symbolic may be handed over.The purchaser may already be in possession of the thing and then the ownership is transferred sometime later. 3. 3 What must be delivered Things to be delivered by the supplier are specified in special conditions of contract. If a buyer gas bought a specific object, it has to be delivered and must be in the same condition as it was when the contract of sale was concluded. The seller has a duty to take care of the thing purchase until the time of delivery. The seller must also deliver all accessories and attachments that belong with the object to the extent that these are not excluded by the contract.The seller must also deliver to the purchaser the entire thing and profits that the thing yield after the conclusion of the contract of sale. 3. The seller’s liability for latent defects 4. 4 General principles 4. 5 Requirements for liability 4. 6 Scope of the seller’s liability 4. 7 Waiver at the time of conclusion of the agreement 4. 8 Latent defects in repairs 4. The manufacturer and dealer’s liability for latent defects 5. Liability on the grounds of dicta et promissa of the seller 6. The seller’s liability for eviction

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Cyber Crime as 21st Century Problem Essay

Abstract Subsequent research has focused in establishing Cybercrime as an activity only for computer programmers. However, Cybercrime has recently expanded to appear as a full capital offense since it integrates multiple forms of criminal activities. Per se, Cybercrime has proved to be a social, economic, and political form of disturbance, or in other words, a mother of 21st century crimes. The commencing research will endeavor to prove that Cybercrime should be managed in a more responsive method since it encourages the development of other crimes. The research is defragmented into three main sections, firstly, a background establishing the crude nature of Cybercrime. Secondly, the research will provide a critical review of forms and the extent of crime. Thirdly, the research will provide the authors opinion on what should be done in relation to Cybercrime. Background Half a decade ago, when computers were evolving to their current state, little was known of any criminal activity, which could have been associated with the process. However, with time, Cybercrime grew leading to the introduction of malicious activities that attempts to swindle the information wealth of the user. In recent times, most countries, even in the developing world are processing laws, which should mitigate or even extinguish Cybercrime. Cybercrime is one of the most sophisticated crimes since the attacker is remotely located and can lead to losses of information, or even financial wealth. Forms and Crime Extent There have been different forms of Cybercrime activities. This includes, but not limited, Denial of Service (DOS) attacks, Malware, and computer viruses. The second class of Cybercrime activities includes, information warfare, phishing, swindles, fraud (Cybercrime, 2012) as well as, cyber-stalking. Computer fraud involves insincere misrepresentations of facts. This could be, altering, destroying and suppressing unauthorized transactions of information. In addition, altering, or deleting stored data (Lusthaus, 2013). Besides, this could include, altering or misusing existing system tools or software packages by altering writen code for fraudulent purposes. Cybercrime (2012) has also argued the possibility of altering or manipulating electronic images, for instance, pictures, which can be applied as evidence in a court of law. Jewekes (2006, p. 349) assess that, there has been a subsequent debate attempting to justify the validity of offensive content as part of Cybercrime. For the last one decade, the world has been evolving to embrace a rapid social media, with websites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn registering billions of users. However, attackers and scammers have utilized this opportunity to harm innocent users against proper web usage. A common form of offensive content is pornography, alongside, hate speech, racism and blasphemy (Greece, 2014, pp. 45-48). The research cannot overlook the presence of other Cybercrime related offenses such as, cyber terrorism, harassment, drug trafficking, human trafficking, prostitution and threats. The presence of these vices means Cybercrime should be recognized as form of normal crime but only happening on the internet. Conclusion Following the increased levels of Cybercrime related incidences, it is necessary to enroll combative systems, which will counter Cybercrime. The research has identified various damages related with Cybercrime. Woollacott (2007) seconds the research in arguing that, while it is evident that previous criminal instances in relation to Cybercrime focused entirely on information related malpractices, recently, the presence of the radical activities, for example racism, pornography etc, has proved the necessity to encourage Cybercrime responsive mechanisms. For that reason, this research proposes the inclusion of more robust mechanisms whereby, software developers, researchers, and legal advisers act proactively in mitigating Cybercrime related incidences. As such, the society will be encouraged to  thrive in a free and fair environment where Cybercrime is extinct. References Cybercrime. (September, 2012). Understanding Cybercrime: Phenomena, challenges and legal response. Cybercrime. Retrieved August 26, 2014, from Greene, S. S. (2014). Security program and policies principles and practices (2nd ed.). Indianapolis, Ind.: Pearson. Jewkes, Y. (2006). Book Review: Cybercrime and Society. Crime, Media, Culture, 2(3), 348- 349. Lusthaus, J. (2013). How organised is organised Cybercrime?. Global Crime, 14(1), 52-60. Woollacott, P. (2007). Cybercrime comes of age. ITNOW, 49(2), 6-7.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Gender Roles in Things Fall Apart Essay

In Chinua Achebe’s novel Things Fall Apart, the Ibo society has a strict system of behavioral customs that are assigned by gender. These customs restrict the freedom of Ibo woman and help to reinforce generation after generation the notion that Ibo men are superior to women. In Achebe’s essay An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, he claims that Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, despite it’s insights, ought to be eradicated from literature as an appropriate piece of work on the argument that it is racist. Achebe focuses on gender roles and avoiding stereotypes to dismiss the racist attitude towards Africans in his novel by bringing the reader down to the level of his unbiased narration of a historical fiction novel. In Things Fall Apart, Achebe is cautious to avoid typical stereotypes describing white men. When the first white man is introduced, he is described as â€Å"†¦ not an Albino. He was quite different† his presence is foreign and not understood, but not dangerous. Achebe creates no account of the man being atrocious. In fact, throughout the entire story Achebe consistently attributes those same qualities to the white men later on in the novel; with the exception of The District Commissioner, who is described as â€Å"strict and unreasonable†. Achebe even puts white men in a good light; Mr. Brown constantly reminds the people of Umuofia that they should send their children to his church to learn to read and write so that other white men will not come to institute a new government and destroy their culture. By not negatively chronicling that white men are evil through narration and characterization, Achebe successfully lets loose the bounded stereotype of evil white men that are against African culture. Achebe affirms that in Ibo society, the condition of weakness is strongly associated with women. Therefore, a man being declared â€Å"woman-like† is an extreme insult. Unoka, Okonwko’s father, embodies the counter-values that stand in opposition to the rigid social ideal of the tribe. Okonkwo is ashamed when he learns that â€Å"agbala† was not only another name for woman, it could also mean a man who had taken no title when this insult is applied to his father. By stereotyping based on titles that are indigenous to Ibo culture rather than stereotypes that are demeaning to a race, Achebe is able to maintain an unbiased narrative in Things Fall Apart. Achebe does not completely demean woman in his story; it only seems as though that this is the case because he creates distractions to shy away from racism. In Ibo society, women marry to add to their father’s wealth, become subservient to their husbands, continue on their husband’s legacy through child birth and emanate the essence that women know the secret of life, since they are the source of it. This is evident when Uchendu ask â€Å"Can you tell me, Okonkwo, why it is that one of the commonest names we give to our children is Nneka, or ‘Mother is Supreme’? We all know that a man is the head of the family and his wives do his bidding. A child belongs to its father and his family and not to its mother and her family. A man belongs to his fatherland and not to his motherland. And yet we say Nneka–‘Mother is Supreme. ‘ Why is that? ‘ ‘A man belongs to his fatherland when things are good and life is sweet. But when there is sorrow and bitterness he finds refuge in his motherland. Your mother is there to protect you. She is buried there. And that is why we say that mother is supreme. ‘† Although the characters in the story never recognize the full capacities of women, they are described as emotionally strong. Achebe has an amazing gift for spotting bias that hides in plain sight; adapting against those anecdotes and historical asides, he creates something resembling a coherent story that necessitates dropping much that is important. Things Fall Apart possesses very deep meanings beyond that of avoiding stereotypes. Achebe purposely degrades women to not come across to the reader as racist, however his main priority is conveying lessons that are forgotten through literature. People who pick up a copy of Things Fall Apart will embark on journey that will let them see the subjugation of the African natives from their own perspective.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Antigone Essays - Antigone, Civil Disobedience, Creon, Oedipus

Antigone Sophocles' trilogy of Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, and Antigone is a powerful, tragic tale that examines the nature of human guilt, fate and punishment. Creon, Oedipus' uncle and brother-in-law, is the story's most dynamic character. His character experiences a drastic metamorphosis through the span of the three dramas. Creon's vision of a monarch's proper role, his concept of and respect for justice, as well as his respect for the design evolve considerably by the trilogy's tragic conclusion. In Oedipus the King (OK) , the audience is introduced to a Creon who seems to put loyalty to the king above all. He sympathizes with the tragic plight of King Oedipus and asserts no apparent ambition himself. His attitude toward the king is one of yielding and fulfilling reverence. Creon's notion of justice in OK stems directly from the divine. That which the gods have decreed must become law. It pains Creon to have Oedipus exiled, but he must do so as the gods have willed it. Creon's respect for divinity and prophecy seems to be his defining trait in OK. His attitude is one of unquestioning reverence. In Oedipus at Colonus (OC), one sees the beginning of Creon's decline. Creon has now come to occupy the throne that once belonged to Oedipus. It soon becomes apparent that his vision of the proper role of a king has changed to accommodate his new-found position. The emphasis shifts from that of a king who must rule wisely to one who must rule unyieldingly. The kingship becomes a selfserving instrument for Creon in his attempt to secure the return of Oedipus and the good fortune prophesied to accompany him. Creon's notion of justice is severely distorted in OC. He becomes monomaniacal - conducting his affairs with tyranny and belligerence. For example, he threatens to harm Oedipus' daughters if the blind beggar does not return to Thebes. His view of rightness and fairness is no longer in line with that of his subjects. In OC, Creon still retains some respect for divine prophecies. These have after all motivated his desire to return Oedipus to Thebes. Antigone reveals the ultimate extent to which Creon's character deteriorates. His transformation completes itself; he has become an unreasonable tyrant. Creon can no longer be called a king. He has become a despot. There is absolutely no justice to be found. Violence and threats of violence are the tools by which he rules. For example, his senseless threats to an innocent sentry reveal the true extent of his loss of reason. Creon has distorted the proclamation against Polyneices' burial, which was originally intended to foster Theban unity, into a display of rashness and incompetence. There is no mention of the gods and their intentions on Creon's behalf in Antigone. He has been so far destroyed by his own power as to dismiss the divine will that he originally thrived on.

Diabetes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Diabetes - Essay Example Glucose is the main source of fuel for the body. The pancreas, an exocrine gland automatically produces the right amount of insulin to move glucose from blood into the cells. In diabetes, the blood glucose level increases beyond the optimum level which results in a cascade of pathologies in the body. The blood glucose level is normally controlled by the hormone Insulin secreted from the Pancreas. Diabetes has been broadly classified into two categories: Diabetes Type I & II. In Type I diabetes, the body is unable to synthesize enough Insulin hormone and in Type II diabetes, which is more common in occurrence than the former, the body either does not produce enough Insulin or is unable to properly utilize the available Insulin There is a third type known as gestational diabetes which occurs during pregnancy in women. Pancreas is a large elongated exocrine gland located behind the stomach and secretes pancreatic juice as well as insulin. Pancreatic juice plays an important role in the digestion of food while the insulin controls the glucose levels of the body. The discovery of insulin was a dramatic event in the history of medicine (Kahn C.R.& Sechter Yoram). In 1869, Paul Langerhans, a German medical student discovered that the pancreas contains two distinct groups of cells. The acinar cells secrete the digestive enzymes while cells clustered in islets had a secondary function. A hint to the functioning of these islets, which were later labeled as ‘Islets of Langerhans’ became somewhat clear when Oskar Minkowski and Joseph von Mering (1889) showed that dogs in whom pancreas was removed suffered from a syndrome similar to diabetes mellitus in man (Kahn C.R.& Sechter Yoram). Banting and Best, two Canadians were successful in extracting insulin from the pancreas in 1922 and treating a patient successfully. The ß cells of pancreatic islets synthesize insulin from a precursor molecule called proinsulin which is

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Over the next 30 years, what are the risks to National Security posed Essay - 1

Over the next 30 years, what are the risks to National Security posed by increased competition for energy and food resources; and what initiatives might Qatar pursue to reduce these risks - Essay Example sks, as it will increase vulnerability to deterioration in the terms of trade between food and oil or the exhaustion of their reserves.3 These risks can lead to increased violence or foster another Arab Spring.4 Subject to the significance of the risks to national security, Qatar must pursue measures aimed at reducing these risks. Indeed, strategic storage and investments in port and rail infrastructure to create a regional import and transport network, economic diversification, trade diversification, price controls and consumer subsidies, strategic stockholding, and investing at home can help Qatar to reduce these risks.5 Moreover, Qatar can reduce these risks by securing imports and securing food at home to prevent terrorists from contaminating the food supply with hazardous materials.6 Ultimately, Qatar can reduce these risks by using the Qatar National Food Security Programme to achieve sustainability, adopt technology in conserving water and electricity, and abhorring research technology, and innovation to enhance food security.7 Bailey, Rob, and Robin Willoughby. â€Å"Edible Oil: Food Security in the Gulf.† CHATHAM HOUSE. January 22, 2014.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Organic architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Organic architecture - Essay Example A considerable amount of time has to be taken in the report, for in it lies the success of an underlying project. A satisfactory review provides a strong background that provides a platform for the reader or audience to advance their knowledge. An excellent literature review provides a basis for the advancement of a theory. The truth on any project that requires an advancement of a theory is depicted by the use of a review. The review guidelines provide the foundation in which the theories can be advanced. The survey also includes some part of the theory that should be advanced. An analysis information is essential in identifying the areas where poor previous research has been done. In the study where an analysis of previous work has been carried out, the data proves essential in identifying poor research work and therefore ignoring the findings. A literature review puts together the thoughts and ideas of many on a common platform, thereby enabling the readers to have a conclusive understanding of the topic of study. A literature review on a project is imperative in bringing out the areas that require further and extensive research. A research is the foundation of understanding on a project and in areas where the results are not clearly convincing, further research is recommended. A literature review thereby provides information on where research needs to be done and where reliable research has already been done. Adoption of organic architecture in Australia was brought about by various issues. A literature review requires the use of published articles to come up with one central idea on the topic of study. (Baines, 2009) suggests that the study embraces the concept of using the past to prepare for the future. Review information is very reliable, and it brings together the knowledge from the past that can be applied as knowledge in the future. Reviews, therefore, ensure that the gap has been filled by a comprehensive

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

To what extent is religious fundamentalism an anti-modern ideology Coursework

To what extent is religious fundamentalism an anti-modern ideology - Coursework Example Within such a way, a person who ascribes to a modernist theory or interpretation is of the belief that situational factors as well as the development of knowledge have a powerful impact on determining the norms and mores of whatever world view they may hold (Eccleshall, 1994). This is not to say that a person who ascribes to a modernist approach is entirely and/or completely tossed by the winds of change. Rather, it merely indicates a worldview that is more cognizant and places a higher level of importance upon the way in which current definitions and understandings can impact upon the way in which their worldview is constrained and develops. Conversely, an individual who ascribes to something of a fundamentalist viewpoint is one who is something of a literalist. Within such a way, fundamentalism, by its very nature, is a separatist doctrine that seeks to separate itself from the mainstream and hearken back to a prior interpretation of the doctrines or teachings of a particular world view/faith. As such, it will be the express intent of this brief analysis to discuss the means by which fundamentalism is by very nature an anti-modern philosophy/approach to any given world view. One of the primary definitions of fundamentalism that is referenced throughout many of the belief systems in the world is the fact that they invariably ascribe to the belief that the â€Å"truth† has become adulterated within the modern era and it is necessary to hearken back to a time of prior truth and purity in order to fulfill whatever directive a deity or group of deities might have set forth for them in a simpler and more pure time. This is true regardless of whether one examines an Islamic fundamentalist group or whether one examines a Hindu or Christian fundamentalist group. As such, a further appreciation and definition of the word â€Å"fundamentalist† leads one to realize that the fundamentals of a given faith or worldview are the prized possession that these indi viduals are fully unwilling to part with (Zizek, 1989). Those that ascribe to the fundamentals, those who define what are they based upon a narrow and historical interpretation of a key set of beliefs, question the means by which society and/or culture of the times can help to better them or the faith to which they ascribe. As such, fundamentalists, regardless of their particular variety, are inherently and entirely anti-modern. However, another key element of the fundamentalist worldview is not only the fact that they seek to disengage with modern society and return/recluse back to a prior interpretation of the mores and beliefs of a particular faith. Such a pattern of behavior would not make them anti modern and would not ensure that they came into any level of conflict with those within society that did not ascribe to a limited view of reality (Ball, 2010). Rather, they are invariably interested in alerting others to the ills of modernity and instructing them that the best means of assuring a further level of happiness and/or salvation is to disengage with the modern society and revert back to a literal or figurative interpretation of the means by which a given belief system was understood within the distant or not so distant past. It is this very attitude of disengagement and seeking to encourage or demand that others disengage that is perhaps the strongest argument for the fact that these individuals are invariably anti-modern in their interpretation o