Wednesday, June 12, 2019
A Paper in Support of the Progressive Creationism Theory Research
A in Support of the Progressive Creationism Theory - Research Paper ExampleThis particular theory is neither purely scientific or atheistic such as the atheistic evolution theory, nor purely biblical like the theistic evolution or 24-hour solar day theory. It aims to mediate these two frames of thought by explaining creation in a way that addresses the concerns of both though patterns. According to Dale Tooley in his paper, Progressive Creation An Overview, the modern creationism theory is increasingly becoming accepted as a viable and arguable theory for the creation and origin of the world. In contrast to young domain creation theories, it maintains that the 6 days of creation written in the bible do non necessarily refer to 24-hour days, but instead refer to ages. This gives way to hard scientific evidence regarding the earths age. Some may discard this theory due to some wordings in the bible that refer to actual days, however, we must elapse in mind that we cannot compare Gods day with our own. As Christians recognize that Gods knowledge is infinite and encompasses and eclipses our own, we cannot compare his understanding to ours. This is supported by the bible in the bulk of Mathew, 2436. No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the sun, but only the father. This particular area of the theory withal allows for intraevolution, or evolution and development within a species, but does not recognize interevolution, or evolution into other species. This gives us an explanation or systematisation for the 6 day-ages of creation. Some other theories will discount this theory saying that the bible states that death is a result of sin, and therefore, would mean that there was no death for ages until Adam committed the first sin. This can be answered in a very simple statement. Man is a very unique creation. We are not just a higher form of animal but instead were created in Gods image. We were given higher thinking, rational ization, and a sense of right and wrong. in that locationfore, the weight or burden of sin only applies to us. Since animals do not have a moral compass, and are not accountable to God, we are the only creatures that are impact by sin. Therefore, death came to us as a result of our sin and disobedience, not because of anyone else. Also discussing humans as unique creatures, we must touch on the subject of evolution. We were presented with a theory concerning mans evolution from primates. Most, if not all Christians will not accept this,and for good reason. It is not about not wanting to be associated with monkeys, nor about denial of evolution, but about how the creation of man was described in the bible. If we look at it, creation of other creatures was described rather normally. There were not a lot of details that were given regarding how other creatures were created, but this is not the case with man. The bible gave details on how man was made. This indicates that our creation is unique, earnest and special. The bible also describes that we were made in Gods image and that life was breathed into us by God himself. This highlights just how special we are. The theory does recognize that within ages, animals can evolve and adapt, with the guidance of God. A good example of this is the abundance of different kinds of birds. Some swim, others walk, others fly. But never the less, all of them are still birds. This is not the same as the evolution of man from primates. We are not
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